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“This story of bereavement and self-empowerment is what Broderick Fox does best.”
-Giuliana Cincotta – Film Ink
“It’s such a powerful and enlightening film, and we can’t wait to help share it with the world.”
-Elizabeth Mims – Austin Film Festival Senior Programmer
“Openly gay documentary filmmaker Broderick Fox goes places others might not wish to venture, and does it with heart and grace.”
-Kilian Melloy – Edge Media Network
“Interview with the Deathwalker,” Marie Scarles, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, September 14, 2016.
“Broderick Fox Turns His Lens to ‘Zen and the Art of Dying’,” Kilian Melloy, Edge Media Network, December 17, 2015.
“Story of Bereavement and Self-Empowerment is What Broderick Fox Does Best,” Film Ink, Giuliana Cincotta, March 5, 2015.
“The Deathwalker’s Story,” Javier Encalada, Northern Star and Byron Shire News, March 5, 2015.
Radio Interviews with Director Broderick Fox
Interview with Broderick Fox and Hospice RN Denys Cope on Living Juicy, Rhea Goodman, KSFR Santa Fe Public Radio FM 101.1, January 28, 2016.
Interview with Broderick Fox on Living From Happiness, Dr. Melanine Harth, KSFR Santa Fe Public Radio FM 101.1, December 5, 2015.
Interview with Broderick Fox on The Nicholas Snow Show, Nicholas Snow, Blog Talk Radio, September 24, 2015.
Interview with Broderick Fox on The Elephant Room, Nyck Jeanes, Bay FM 99.9, March 9, 2015.
Interview with Broderick Fox on Movies at Dusk, Greg King, 94.1 FM 3WBC Melbourne, September 18, 2016.
Interview with Broderick Fox on Movie Metropolis, Peter Krausz, 88.9 WynFM Melbourne, September 10, 2016.
Radio Interviews with Subject Zenith Virago
“Zen and the Art of Dying: Conversation with Zenith Virago,” on Nights with Bryan Crump, Radio New Zealand National, September 7, 2016.
Interview with Zenith Virago and associate producer Debra Beattie on The Paradigm Shift, Ian Curr, FM 102.1 4zzz Brisbane, November 4, 2016.
Interview with Zenith Virago on Over the Rainbow, Mitchell Foy Bay FM 99.9 Byron Bay, September 9, 2016.
Interview with Zenith Virago on Movies at Dusk, Greg King, 94.1 FM 3WBC Melbourne, September 18, 2016.