Zenith Virago


Zenith Virago has worked as a Deathwalker since 1995 in Byron Shire, Australia. She brings together presence, experience and familiarity, along with legal, practical and spiritual backgrounds, to guide, assist and support the dying, their families and freinds, and those bereaved through loss.

For Virago, natural death care covers a spectrum of stages and experiences: Wellness – Illness – Dying – Death – Body Care – Ceremony – Disposal – Bereavement. She believes that everyone has the inherent capacity to deal with death and dying, and that her work involves reconnecting individuals to these capacities. Much of her work is now done through the Natural Death Care Centre, where she advises individuals and trains  groups on:

  • Legal documents, Enduring Guardianship, Power of Attorney, Advance Health Care Plans and Wills.
  • Options around the quality end of life care, in hospital, hospice or at home, to be able to die with dignity. Choices around a natural death, without invasive medical intervention.
  •  A more conscious approach to embracing death and dying well.
  • Plans for the funeral or a  life celebration.
  • Components of the ceremony: coffins, locations, intention, music, readings, speakers.
  • Environmental considerations, burial on private ground, cardboard or handmade coffins, biodegardable urns.

Virago is also the co-author of the book The Intimacy of Death and DyingListen to an interview with Virago about her work on ABC Radio’s The Spirit of Things with Rachel Kohn.