Zen & the Art of Dying and Zenith Virago at the National Home Funeral Alliance Conference

Hey Maryland! Thrilled that Zen & the Art of Dying will be screened at the National Home Funeral Alliance Conference on September 23, with central subject Zenith Virago in attendance. Full conference details and registration here: http://homefuneralalliance.org/…/…/2017-conference-schedule/


The NHFA empowers families to care for their own dead by providing educational opportunities and connections to resources that promote environmentally sound and culturally nurturing death practices. This is the place to find information about home funerals, including directories for where to find home funeral guides, home funeral education programs, home-funeral-friendly funeral directors, celebrants and clergy, and groups who will help families when needed. Their goal is to educate the public to their choices and provide clear information.

The 6th Biennial NHFA Conference will be held at the Pearlstone Center in Maryland from September 22-24, 2017, just an hour south of Washington, DC.